Search Engine Optimisation - The Truth

SEO BathEveryone's trying to sell you search engine optimisation (SEO),

Everyone tells you they can get your website to the top of Google (for a fee).

But who can you trust to get you to the top of Google?

Blue Web's customers receive initial advice without any charge on SEO as we believe advising our clients on SEO best practise and how to market your website are all part of our website design service. This advice is often sufficient to establish the business website as a leading business.

Every website designed by Blue Web includes on page SEO and we are fully aware of all the current methods to help our website design customers.

Remember, there is no silver bullet for website Google ranking, it takes time, persistence, knowledge of best practise, good well structured informative content and above all a popular, quality engaging website.

If a company contacts you and promises to boost your site to the top of Google, we recommend you put the phone down. A company that hasn't built your website does not have the ability to optimise your website for SEO and is therefore unable to fully deliver on these claims. Read more about Blue Web's SEO services.

Quality website design, Bath, Bristol, Frome and UK wide.